They Care, Do You?

Here is how you can get involved and make a change.
Many children and poor people are at high risk of severe malnutrition

Make a Donation

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Become A Volunteer

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Shelter for Homeless

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Make World Happier

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How We Works

Water is a non-profit organization bringing clean and safe drinking water to people in developing countries






We Prove Every Project

We track every dollar you raise, and show the projects you helped fund with photos.

100% Goes to the field

Private donors cover our operating costs so 100% of your money can fund water projects.

We Are
An Open Book

We track every dollar you raise, and show the projects you helped fund with photos.

Upcomming Events

The Gorib charity provides enhanced services over and above what the NHS funds. Our upcoming event

10 Feb 2019
  • Start : Jan 19, 2022
  • End: Jan 18, 2025

Give gifts that Deliver Hope!

12 Feb 2019
  • Start : Jan 19, 2022
  • End: Jan 18, 2025

60s Fundraising Night

15 Feb 2019
  • Start : Jan 19, 2022
  • End: Jan 18, 2025

Wales Biggest Summer Fair

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